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    1. Home > Investor Relationship > Corporate Profile
      Corporate Profile  
      The name of the company XIAMEN XIANGYU CO., LTD.
      Company abbreviation XMXYG
      Registered address Unit 08, Floor 7, Building E, Xiamen International Logistics Center, No. 99 Xiangyu Road, Xiamen Modern Logistics Park, Fujian Province
      Registered capital 2.157 billion yuan
      Industry category Social service industry
      Place of Stock Listing Shanghai Stock Exchange
      Legal representative Deng Qidong
      Secretary of the board Liao Jie
      Stock code 600057
      Telephone 0592-6516003
      Fax 0592-5051631
      E-mai stock@xiangyu.cn
      Website www.gebiyijia.com
      © All rights reserved by XMXYG CO., LTD.,    Stock Code:600057 XMXYG CO., LTD.    |    Contact Us    |    简体中文
      中文字幕专区高清在线观看,国产热视频,99热日韩,久久精品99毛片免费 神农架林区| 秀山| 句容市| 会同县| 泸水县| 旺苍县| 厦门市| 晴隆县| 大安市| 遂宁市| 图们市| 保靖县| 虎林市| 泸定县| 平昌县| 玛纳斯县| 芒康县| 乡宁县| 定州市| 政和县| 伊宁市| 新闻| 安化县| 新宁县| 卫辉市| 双辽市| 彭山县| 巧家县| 双柏县| 上犹县| 平昌县| 翼城县| 仁怀市| 灵丘县| 太仓市| 喜德县| 冷水江市| 渭源县| 左贡县| 吴忠市| 昌吉市| http://444 http://444 http://444 http://444 http://444 http://444